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Recruitment schedule

We invite you to discover our educational offer but also the recruitment terms and conditions as well as schedule.


Become a participant of the Business Academy!


Implementation of a two-semester program entitled “Międzywydziałowa Szkoła Przedsiębiorczości UWM” (Inter-faculty School of Entrepreneurship) preparing UWM students as well as UWM and PAN PhD students to:

  1. Handle an own innovative business
  2. Develop personal entrepreneurial potential


In terms of the program, we offer:

  1. Practical support of advisors (business practitioners) in terms of establishing own companies and commercializing research and development projects that will be based on innovative ideas of UWM Business Academy students
  2. Support of mentors (business psychologists) in developing skills and predispositions that are necessary on managerial positions
  3. Effective transfer of knowledge concerning the latest trends and innovative tools for building a market advantage
  4. The practical aspect of education engaging entrepreneurs and people from the economic environment in the didactic process.

Duration of the program:

Two academic semesters (winter and summer)


Ending the MSP program:

Participants of the MSP Program receive a UWM Business Academy Diploma along with a certificate confirming obtaining qualifications in the MSP Program and the proper number of ECTS points.

Graduating from the UWM Business Academy will be included in the UWM graduation diploma supplement.

Your benefits

  • You will create your own business model
  • You will develop a research project
  • You will gain funds for the business
  • You will establish a company
  • Your teachers will be successful entrepreneurs
  • You will receive ECTS credits
  • A flexible schedule of classes
  • No fees

New competences

  • in terms of entrepreneurship
  • project management
  • economic law
  • transfer of technology
Registration in the IRK system along with filling out the "entrepreneurial potential test"
Formal and legal assessment of application documents
Preparing a list of candidates qualified for an interview
Assessing the entrepreneurial potential on the basis of the "entrepreneurial potential test"
Interview - "structured panel interview"
Announcing the list of Participants of the "Międzywydziałowa Szkoła Przedsiębiorczości" (Inter-faculty School of Entrepreneurship) program implemented by the UWM Business Academy
A conference inaugurating the 3rd edition of the Inter-faculty School of Entrepreneurship

Recruitment terms and conditions for the program entitled “Międzywydziałowa Szkoła Przedsiębiorczości” (“Inter-faculty School of Entrepreneurship) implemented by the UWM Business Academy




General provisions


The “UWM Business Academy” is a university-wide unit of UWM in Olsztyn, implementing the program entitled “Międzywydziałowa Szkoła Przedsiębiorczości” (“Inter-faculty School of Entrepreneurship)



Glossary of terms (definitions)


The terms used in these Terms and Conditions have the following meanings:

University – University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn

UWM Business Academy – Business Academy of the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn;

Director – Director of the UWM Business Academy.

Participant – a person who meets the formal criteria for participating in the MSP Program, specified in § 3 of the Recruitment Terms and Conditions, who successfully passed the recruitment process;

Committee – a recruitment committee appointed to carry out the recruitment procedure in terms of the MSP Program.

Website – website containing information concerning the UWM Business Academy as well as these Terms and Conditions with attachments, the MSP Program, and information materials;

The MSP program – the program entitled “Międzywydziałowa Szkoła Przedsiębiorczości” implemented by the UWM Business Academy



Eligibility of Participants in the MSP Program



The following natural persons may be recruited as Participants of the MSP Program:

the University’s first-cycle students who have completed at least the second semester of studies,

the University’s second-cycle students,

students of uniform master’s studies,

PhD students of the University and the Polish Academy of Sciences.

The MSP program is aimed at students and PhD students who:

express interest in starting their own business or carry out such activity,

have a research or patent project or are preparing such a project,

express their interest in issues concerning entrepreneurship and innovation.



Recruitment principles



The person responsible for the recruitment is the Director.

The recruitment is carried out in accordance with a schedule determined by the Director.

Candidates interested in participating in the MSP Program register in an electronic recruitment system by filling out the following application documents:

recruitment form, a template of which is attached as Appendix 1 to these Terms and Conditions;

a declaration confirming the fact of carrying out 1st or 2nd degree studies, uniform master’s studies, or doctoral studies, a template of which is attached as Appendix 2.

Terms and Conditions for recruitment to the MSP Program as well as templates of documents referred to in paragraph 3 are available on the Website.

Submitting application documents will be confirmed in electronic form.

A decision to qualify a given person as a Participant of the MSP Program is made after carrying out a recruitment procedure, including:

stage I – formal evaluation of application documents,

stage II – assessing the entrepreneurial potential basing on the “entrepreneurial potential test”,

stage III – interview.

The recruitment procedure is carried out by a three-person Committee appointed by the Director, who defines the tasks and principles for the functioning of the Committee. The Chairman of the Committee is appointed by the Director.

The first stage of the recruitment procedure includes the formal and legal assessment of the submitted application documents. In case of finding any formal lacks, the Commission calls on the candidate to supplement the documents within 7 days. Failure to complete the documents will prevent the candidate from entering the following stages of the recruitment procedure.

During the second stage of recruitment, the Committee assesses the entrepreneurial potential basing on the results of the “Entrepreneurship Potential Test”. A list of candidates qualified for the third stage is created taking into consideration the results of the test. No more than 60 candidates who obtained the highest number of points in the second stage will be qualified to the third stage of the procedure.

During the third stage of recruitment, the Committee carries out interviews (“structured panel interview”). The Chairman of the Committee prepares a ranking list of all candidates participating in the third stage of the recruitment process in accordance with the number of obtained points.

Up to 30 people who obtained the highest number of points in the recruitment procedure are eligible for the MSP Program. The remaining people are placed on a standby list. Candidates for the MSP Program will be informed about the results of the recruitment by e-mail.

Each of the Candidates not qualified for the MSP Program may appeal to the Director within 7 days of providing the list of Participants. The appeal shall be made in writing and contain a justification. The appeal should be submitted at the office of the UWM Business Academy. The appeal is considered by the Director within seven days of its receipt. The Director’s decision is final.

In the case when a Participant does not start the MSP Program, for any reason, the Director shall qualify the first person from the standby list in that person’s place.

The recruitment is carried out impartially, in accordance with conditions open and identical for all Candidates, based on recruitment documents. Uniform criteria, tools, and qualification tasks will be applied for all Candidates.

Any correspondence concerning the recruitment process between the UWM Business Academy and the Candidates and then its Participants will be conducted in electronic form.



Final Provisions


Applying for participation in the form of registering in the electronic recruitment system for the UWM Business Academy constitutes consent for these Terms and Conditions.

Matters not covered by these Terms and Conditions are resolved by the Director on the basis of the legal regulations in force at the University.

The provisions of the Act of 14 June 1960 – Code of Administrative Procedure, do not apply to the recruitment procedure.

The UWM Business Academy reserves the right to amend these Terms and Conditions. Such changes are going to be announced on the website of the UWM Business Academy, and Participants are going to be notified of the changes by e-mail.





